How can roleplay games build awareness about climate change? Where do you start from when building edu-larp scenarios? How to keep the whole process safe and sane?

In the first episode of our last podcast season, Zbyszek Janczukowicz, founder of Nausika Fundacja Edukacyjna (Poland), shares his passion for educational live action roleplay games.

Links and resources

Nausika Foundation
Larp For Climate
Open source scenario “Fortitude”, free and available in Polish, English and Ukrainian:
Open-source, print-and-play larp scenarios online:

Good reads: Nordic Larp Wiki ( and Larp Design (


“Gems of Youth Work” is a strategic partnership project in the field of youth that gathers stories from youth workers, trainers, youth organizations and young people. We share these “gems” in the form of podcasts and graphic recordings in order to promote good practices and the value and recognition of international youth work.


“Gems of Youth Work” is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission through the Estonian Agency for Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps.